
Valid May 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024.

Historical Rates | Less than 50 kW Rates | Over 50 kW Rates | Over 1000 kW |

Please select your Business Class as found on the top of your SYNERGY NORTH Bill. This page includes rates for businesses with demand less than 50 kW, over 50 kW, and larger volume customers with demand over 1000 kW. If you require more information or details, please contact our Customer Service department.

Ontario Electricity Rebate

The revised Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER) is in effect. The provincial rebate is applied to your electricity charges and is equal to 19.3% of the electricity charges.

For questions about the OER and eligibility, please contact us or visit oeb.ca.

Click here to download and complete the Ontario Electricity Rebate Eligibility Form.

General Service less than 50 kW (GU)

For more detailed information on electricity charges, please refer to the Ontario Energy Board’s rate definition page.

Cost of Electricity

General Service customers have the choice to be billed on Time-of-Use or Tiered Rates; unless you signed a contract with an electricity retailer.  You have the option to change your electricity pricing plan and choose the best option for your business.  These rates are set at the Provincial level by the Ontario Energy Board once per year; November 1st. This is the cost of the electricity supplied to you during a billing period.

Current Tiered Pricing is:

10.3 ¢/kWh For electricity consumption up to 750 kWh/month
12.5 ¢/kWh For electricity consumption over 750 kWh/month

Current Time-of-Use Pricing is:

Off Peak OFF Peak 8.7 ¢/kWh 7pm – 7am Weekdays. Weekends & Holidays All Day
Mid Peak MID Peak 12.2 ¢/kWh 7am–11am  & 5pm – 7 pm Weekdays
On Peak ON Peak 18.2 ¢/kWh 11am – 5pm  Weekdays

Current Ultra-Low Overnight Pricing is:

Off Peak Weekend OFF Peak 8.7 ¢/kWh 7am – 11pm Weekends and Holidays
Mid Peak MID Peak 12.2 ¢/kWh  7am – 4pm & 9pm – 11pm Weekdays
On Peak ON Peak 28.6 ¢/kWh 4pm – 9pm Weekdays
On Peak Ultra-Low Overnight 2.8 ¢/kWh
11pm – 7am Every day


Network & Connection
This is based on the cost that SYNERGY NORTH incurs to connect to Hydro One’s transmission lines and covers the cost to transform electricity from the high-voltage system to lower voltage used by SYNERGY NORTH.
$0.0146/ kWh
Distribution Charge – Regulated Price Plan
Covers the cost to design, build, and maintain the power distribution system.
Distribution Charge – Non-Regulated Price Plan
Covers the cost to design, build, and maintain the power distribution system.
Monthly Fixed Charge
This charge is based on fixed costs such as meter reading, billing, and administration.
$39.89 / month
Line Loss Adjustment
This covers the costs relating to electricity lost through distributing electricity to your home.
 3.98% Secondary Metered Customers

< 5,000 kWh

2.93% Primary Metered Customers

< 5,000 kWh

Regulatory Charges

Market Service Charge
Includes the cost of services provided by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to operate the wholesale electricity market and maintain the reliability of the power grid.
$0.0059 / kWh
Supply Administration Charge
A regulatory administrative cost to cover purchasing your electricity from your local utility.
$0.25 / month

General Service over 50 kW (GS, G6, G8)

Refer to the definitions under small business rates for more information on the charges or get detailed charge definitions from the Ontario Energy Board.

Cost of Electricity

Non-Regulated Price Plan Consumers
The electricity you pay per kWh is based on the hourly spot market price or weighted average price. For more information on the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP), please visit the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) website.

Regulated Price Plan (RPP) Customers

Price period effective May 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024.

Consumption of the first 750 kWh 10.3¢ / kWh
Consumption above 750 kWh 12.5¢ / kWh

Delivery/Non-Competitive Charges & Regulatory Charges

Market Service Charge $ 0.0059 / kWh
Network $ 3.4882/ kW
Network Interval Metered $ 3.7221/ kW
Connection Transmission $ 2.4375 / kW
Connection Transmission – Interval Metered $ 2.4350 / kW
Distribution Volumetric Charge $4.9250 / kW
Distribution Volumetric Charge – Non-RPP $(0.0001) / kWh
Customer Charge $ 229.50/ month
Energy Supply Administration Charge $ 0.25 / month
Line Loss Adjustment 3.98% Secondary Metered Customers

< 5,000 kWh

2.93% Primary Metered Customers

< 5,000 kWh

General Service over 1000 kW (M1, M2, M3)

Refer to the definitions under small business rates for more information on the charges or get detailed charge definitions from the Ontario Energy Board.

Cost of Electricity

Non-Regulated Price Plan Consumers
The electricity you pay per kWh is based on the hourly spot market price or weighted average price. For more information on the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP), please visit the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) website.

Regulated Price Plan (RPP) Consumers

Price period Effective May 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024.

Consumption of the first 750 kWh Block 10.3¢ / kWh
Consumption above 750 kWh Block 12.5¢ / kWh

Delivery/Non-Competitive Charges & Regulatory Charges

Market Service Charge (Class B Customer) $ 0.0059 / kWh
Market Service Charge (Class A Customer) $ 0.0055 / kW
Network – Interval Metered $ 3.7003 / kW
Connection  – Interval Metered $ 2.6944/ kW
Distribution Volumetric Charge $ 3.8899/ kW
Distribution Volumetric Charge –  Non-RPP $(0.0001) / kWh
Customer Charge $ 3,283.57 /month
Supply administration charge for customers who buy their electricity through SYNERGY NORTH $ 0.25/month
Line Loss Adjustment 3.98% Secondary Metered Customers

< 5,000 kWh

2.93% Primary Metered Customers

< 5,000 kWh

To learn about our Sentinal Rates, please contact Customer Service.

View SYNERGY NORTH’s Board Approved Tariff of Rates & Charges (Effective May 1st 2024).

Valid May 1, 2024- October 31, 2024.

Historical Rates | Less than 50 kW Rates | Over 50 kW Rates |

Please select your Business Class as found on the top of your SYNERGY NORTH Bill. This page includes rates for businesses with demand less than 50 kW, over 50 kW, and larger volume customers with demand over 1000 kW. If you require more information or details, please contact our Customer Service department.

Ontario Electricity Rebate

The revised Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER) is in effect. The provincial rebate is applied to your electricity charges and is equal to 19.3% of the electricity charges.

For questions about the OER and eligibility, please contact us or visit oeb.ca. 

General Service less than 50 kW (UK)

For more detailed information on electricity charges, please refer to the Ontario Energy Board’s rate definition page.

Cost of Electricity

General Service customers have the choice to be billed on Time-of-Use or Tiered Rates; unless you signed a contract with an electricity retailer. You have the option to change your electricity pricing plan and choose the best option for your business. These rates are set at the Provincial level by the Ontario Energy Board once per year; November 1st. This is the cost of the electricity supplied to you during a billing period.

Current Tiered Pricing is:

10.3 ¢/kWh For electricity consumption up to 750 kWh/month
12.5 ¢/kWh For electricity consumption over 750 kWh/month

Current Time-of-Use Pricing is:

Off Peak OFF Peak 8.7 ¢/kWh 7pm – 7am Weekdays. Weekends & Holidays All Day
Mid Peak MID Peak 12.2 ¢/kWh 7 am –11am &  5pm- 7pm Weekdays
On Peak ON Peak 18.2 ¢/kWh 11am- 5pm Weekdays

Current Ultra-Low Overnight Pricing is:

Off Peak Weekend OFF Peak 8.7 ¢/kWh 7am – 11pm Weekends and Holidays
Mid Peak MID Peak 12.2 ¢/kWh 7am – 4pm & 9pm – 11pm Weekdays
On Peak ON Peak 28.6 ¢/kWh 4pm – 9pm Weekdays
On Peak Ultra-Low Overnight 2.8 ¢/kWh
11pm – 7am Every day


Network & Connection
This is based on the cost that SYNERGY NORTH incurs to connect to Hydro One’s transmission lines and covers the cost to transform electricity from the high-voltage system to lower voltage used by SYNERGY NORTH.
$0.0146 / kWh
Distribution Charge – Regulated Price Plan
Covers the cost to design, build, and maintain the power distribution system.
$0.0196/ kWh
Distribution Charge – Non-Regulated Price Plan
Covers the cost to design, build, and maintain the power distribution system.
$0.0185 / kWh
Monthly Fixed Charge
This charge is based on fixed costs such as meter reading, billing and administration.
$39.89 /month
Line Loss Adjustment
This covers the costs relating to electricity lost through distributing electricity to your home.
3.98% Secondary Metered Customers <5,000kWh


Primary Metered Customers <5,000kWh

Regulatory Charges

Market Service Charge
Includes the cost of services provided by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to operate the wholesale electricity market and maintain the reliability of the power grid.
$0.0059/ kWh
Supply Administration Charge
A regulatory administrative cost to cover purchasing your electricity from your local utility.
$0.25 / month

General Service over 50 kW (GS, SS, PP)

Refer to the definitions under small business rates for more information on the charges or get detailed charge definitions from the Ontario Energy Board.

Cost of Electricity

Non-Regulated Price Plan Consumers
The electricity you pay per kWh is based on the hourly spot market price or weighted average price depending on the type of meter installed. For more information on the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP), please visit the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) website.

Regulated Price Plan (RPP) Customers

Price period effective May 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024.

Consumption of the first 750 kWh 10.3¢ / kWh
Consumption above 750 kWh 12.5¢ / kWh

Delivery/Non-Competitive Charges & Regulatory Charges

Market Service Charge $ 0.0059 / kWh
Network $ 3.4882 / kW
Connection Transmission $ 2.4375/ kW
Distribution Volumetric Charge  $5.5729 / kW
Distribution Volumetric Charge – Non-Regulated Price Plan $(0.0011) / kWh
Customer Charge $229.50 / month
Energy Supply Administration Charge $ 0.25 / month
Line Loss Adjustment 3.98% Secondary Metered Customers < 5,000 kW

2.93% Primary Metered Customers

< 5,000 kW

View SYNERGY NORTH’s Board Approved Tariff of Rates & Charges (Effective May 1st 2024)